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Here at Care Connected we offer many different types of help and support depending on your requirements. Our services range from personal care to a trip out into the community, whether that be a trip to the library, gym or cinema! We do it all! To give you an idea if the range of services we offer we have explained a typical daily schedule for 2 of our clients.


Tom is one of our valued clients, he lives on his own in the house he has lived in his whole life. His house has been slightly adapted, with the upstairs being out of bounds due to Tom's reduced mobility. Both Tom and his family are extremely happy that he can continue living in his own home with our support.


Tom has an hour visit in the morning, he likes this visit at 7:30 am. After checking notes and any updates to Toms file we start by bringing Tom a cup of tea to bed, we open all the curtains while he wakes, it can take him a while!.  When Tom is ready he will get up, some days on his own and some days with a little help from us this is all dependant on how he is feeling. We begin by assisting Tom with his shower, he just likes us to be there for support.  Tom mostly gets himself dressed, he just needs a hand with his trousers and socks!  We prepare his breakfast, he has egg and soldiers everyday and has done for 22 years! Tom then feeds the birds from the back door whilst we prepare his medication. He enjoys watching his morning whilst waiting for his son to pop in to take him shopping.

At lunch time Tom has a 45 minute visit. We assist Tom to the toilet before having a cup of tea and a chat together while he decides on his lunch, he always has a freshly cooked meal. While we prepare his meal Tom lays the table. We leave Tom to wash up!! That't the way he likes is, we promise!

We visit Tom again at tea time for a 45 minute visit, this is to assist him with his medication and something to eat. Tom is usually engrossed in one of his programmes so he has his tea on the sofa. Usually a sandwich or snack. We leave Tom with his afternoon tipple, he usually spends the evening watching a film.

On our return at around 9 pm Tom is usually ready to get into bed, we assist him with his mediation and putting on his pyjamas. He goes to bed with a cup of tea and a book every night, without fail!


Vicky is another one of our valued clients here at Care Connected. Vicky suffers with mental health problems, this means she just needs a little extra support in life.  We visit Vicky 3 times per week for 3 hours at a time, these visits are to take Vicky out, sometimes we go shopping and sometimes we take her to park. If she isn't feeling up to it we help her around the house or perhaps just have a cup of tea and a chat.

Vicky's first visit of the week is on a Monday. We always start with having a catch up and a cup of tea. Vicky liked to do her shopping for the week on a Monday, depending on how she felt Vicky would normally come with us, if Vicky doesn't feel up to it we spend the time to encourage her. More often than not she will come with us! After we have been shopping we always go for lunch, Vicky usually researches somewhere for us to go before the visit. She is very organised! When we get back Vicky unpacks the shopping while we write the notes. Vicky has the same few carers so they always plan ahead for the next visits in the week!

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